linguistics Delisted From Google For Repeated Syntactic Errors
Mountain View, CA, January 29, 2008 -- A spokesman for Google confirmed today the official website of the Republican party,, has been delisted from the internet search engine due to repeated spelling and syntactical errors.
A Google search for returns zero results
The spokesman said the decision to delist was made automatically on the basis of syntactical algorithms, and did not necessarily represent the opinion or action of any human Google employee.
Donald Rumsfeld Redefines "Insurgent", Issues "Donald Rumsfeld Guide"
Washington, D.C, January 2, 2006 -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, apparently dissatisfied with the current American vernacular's inadequacy in consistently reflecting his own ideological positions, has issued a new pamphlet entitled Donald's Dictionary: The Donald Rumsfeld Guide To Positive Speaking. The Secretary of Defense said he hopes this word usage guide will help "keep the conversation on the right track, any deviation from which will only aide and abet the enemy".
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